Taylor Pork Roll, also often referred to as Taylor Ham, makes many sizes and three types of pork roll. They manufacture Original Taylor’s Pork Roll, Trenton Pork Roll, and Goodie Pork Roll.  Original Taylor is most commonly found in grocery stores sliced thin or thick in six ounce boxes, one pound rolls, 1.5 lbs rolls, and three lbs rolls. Their restaurant size is a six lbs roll sold as Original Taylor , Trenton, and Goodie Pork Roll.  The six ounce size comes in a familiar red and white box, while the rolls are still packed and sold in canvas bags with the name brand is stamped on red lettering.


This is information on the now infamous and still ongoing battle of how the product originally called Taylor’s Ham came to be legally known as Taylor Pork Roll.

–“John Taylor, who conducted a provision business for a considerable time and placed upon the market a food article made of pork, packed in a cylindrical cotton sack or bag in such form that it could be quickly prepared for cooking by slicing without removal from the bag. This preparation was known as “Taylor’s Prepared Ham,” but with the passage of the pure food law by the Congress of the United States it became necessary to change the label of this article in order to avoid a violation of the statute, as it did not consist of ham. The complainant therefore adopted the name “Pork Roll,” and has had large sales of the article under the name of “Taylor’s Pork Roll,”or “Trenton Pork Roll,” the preparation still being sold in cotton bags, and having red letters in outline printed upon_ the bags, with a detachable paper label, fastened by a rubber band, which paper label is in the form of the trade—mark registered by the complainant on the 31st day of October, 1906. A similar label was also registered onMarch 19, 1907.

The defendant is a manufacturer of meat products, and! has placed upon the market a similar article of food, made of pork, resembling the Taylor product in its preparation, taste, and use. The defendant’s product is evidently planned to supply the same trade as the complainant’s product, and it is apparent from the affidavits that persons intending to buy one might be given the other, and even might bedeceived thereby, as the defendant’s product is marked “Roll of Pork,”-and also has an oval detachable label, fastened with a rubber bandupon the outside of the cotton bag, with red outline type used for the marks upon the bags.” From https:// law.resource.org/pub/us/case/reporter/F/0180/001/00000951.txt